Friday 12 February 2010

Thriller analyses

This is a good thriller as there was alot of mystery as we didn't know who the killer was. This thriller consists of red herring as it made us think that one person his the killer which he isn't. There is alot of suspense building our tension. The film creates a sense of normality as it represents a typical representation of how teen behaves. There is also actions a convention of a good thriller and alot of cheap surprise. There is alot of enigma codes keeping the audience wanting more.

Thriller analyses

Transporter is a good thriller as it features the code and conventions of a good thriller movie. This is so as it features action which thrills and keeping the audience on the edge of their seats. There is a lot of tension and suspense. It is clear who is the antagonist and who the protagonist is. However I would say that it is more a action than a thriller.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Spy Game Review

I would say that this is a good thriller however you could argue that it isn't a good thriller as there are characteristics of a thriller that are missing such as it didn't build alot of tension and it didn't keep us at the edge of our seat and there was no cheap surprises. there wasn't much enigma codes.However there is a aspect of mystery which creates supense thus building the tension and it did build questions in our minds as at the start we didn't know what was happening. There were alot of action and is alot of fast pace. There is a sense of red herring. We have our protaganist and antaganist. overall it is a good thriller as it had most of the characteristics of a thriller.

Friday 29 January 2010

Past student work 'Spirit Walker'

This isn't a good thriller opening as there isn't a good storyline. The location and shot at the start was appropriate for the genre they were trying to create but everything after falls apart as it didn't go with the genre and its just plain boring. There is no enigma codes, no mystery, no tension and no suspense. The sound didn't go with the images and editing. The editing didn't create any meaning for the audience as they didn't produce any codes and conventions of the thriller genre. The title and credits are boring and I would award this a level 1 as there is no audience engaging.